New Scout, Cadet and Girlguiding Youth Champion

The RSGB is delighted to announce that Samuel McCutchion, M7UEL, will be the RSGB’s Scout, Cadet and Girlguiding Youth Champion.

Sam brings a wealth of hands-on experience to the role having been part of the Scouts from a young age in Beavers and then working his way up to Network. He then progressed to become an Assistant Section Leader.

This knowledge will help the RSGB Youth Team to engage and offer amateur radio support to not only the Scouts, but also the Cadets and Girlguiding.

If you’d like to congratulate Sam on his role, or if you have any ideas you think would be useful to share, email him via

PRESENTER OPINION : HamCation Presentation Shows how to Ramp up Club Participation

PRESENTER OPINION : HamCation Presentation Shows how to Ramp up Club Participation

At HamCation in Orlando last weekend, Ken, KN2D, gave the above presentation on how to increase your club’s member participation. He’s a marketing guy by profession, and it shows.

He does have some great ideas about how to get members more engaged. One of the ideas that I especially liked was asking inactive members why they don’t participate in more club activities. Ken says, “They pay their dues, but that’s all they do. Ask them why they aren’t active in the club and what would what would get them more involved.” We’ve talked about doing a membership survey in our club, but I think that asking these questions of inactive members is simpler and could be just as effective.

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AMSAT-Switzerland Honours Historic Ham Satellite QSO

Satellite enthusiasts in Switzerland are inviting everyone to help pay tribute to a radio operator who was in the vanguard of making QSOs via those birds in the sky.

AMSAT-Switzerland proudly uses the callsign HB9RG as a way to honour Hans-Rudolf Lauber. Hans became a Silent Key in 2017 at the age of 92 but until then, the callsign belonged to this innovative Swiss amateur who completed the first amateur radio satellite QSO in March of 1965. The contact with Alfons Häring DL6EZA was completed via the OSCAR-Eleven satellite.

Hans-Rudolf will be honoured again by satellite enthusiasts in March, when AMSAT-HB hosts the Hans-Rudolf Lauber, HB9RG Memorial Trophy event.

In the spirit of this avid DXer, the trophy will recognise contacts made over significant distances during the two weeks between the 3rd and 16th March. Contacts must be made using only low-earth orbit, medium-earth orbit and high-earth orbit satellites