New RSGB Emerging Technology Web Page

The RSGB has launched a new web page on how emerging technology can be used in amateur radio.

Technologies such as artificial intelligence and 3D printing offer the opportunity to broaden the definition of amateur radio. They can also increase appeal and attract a more diverse audience.

For existing radio amateurs, they offer the opportunity for progression through learning new skills. You’ll also find links to two RSGB Convention presentations, including the newly released talk on 3D printing by Tom Wardill, 2E0JJI.

RSGB Emerging Technology Web Page -

ARRL Teachers Institute a Success on Staten Island

ARRL Teachers Institute a Success on Staten Island

ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® celebrates that the first field session of the ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology reached nine New York City area educators, but the ripple effects will reach thousands of students. The session was held at the Staten Island Technical High School, home of a thriving and active amateur radio club. It was led in part by Everton Henriques, KD2ZZT, an educator at the school and TI graduate. In August 2024, 49 of Henriques’ students earned their licenses.

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PRSENTER OPINION : They went down, down, down..and the flames are higher … but it’s not too late

PRSENTER OPINION : They went down, down, down..and the flames are higher … but it’s not too late

Think about how you got enthusiastic toward amateur radio. For me, I was eight years old and it was through a cheap transistor AM radio. This passion has been unabated since that time, albeit not always top priority in the broader scheme of life. It’s my belief that most hams have a “burning love” of the activity embedded in the amateur radio hobby. But, alas, it’s a social activity for the most part. We operate in groups of two or more and sometimes, like Hamvention, thousands! To get engaged and reap the benefits of a national organizing association, there is the National Association for Amateur Radio with over a hundred thousand. This should be an amplifier of that passion that took root with the hobby. Like Johnny Cash crooned, it is now a burning ring of fire for U.S. hams as well as those international members. And it’s going down, down, down. That burning ring is what puts a damper on the passion that drives us on in so many ways. Many hams have just hit the trail, I’m told, moving on from membership to the tune of about 1,000 non-renewals per month.

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