Try Thailand's Amateur / Ham Radio Exams

Thailand's communications regulator NBTC has made the sample amateur radio exams available online to try

Almost all of the 110,000 Amateur Radio Operators hold the Basic license as for many years it was impossible to take Intermediate or Advanced exams in the country. The national society, the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand (RAST), only has around 900 members.

The three license classes in Thailand are:

  • Basic with 100 watts on 28 MHz and 60 watts on 144 MHz
  • Intermediate with 200 watts output, all bands
  • Advanced with 1,000 watts output, all bands

While the online exams are in the Thai language Google's Translate tool enables you to work out the English meaning.

Thailand's Basic Amateur Radio Exam (100 questions 90 minutes)

Google English -
Thai -

Thailand’s Intermediate Amateur Radio Exam (100 questions 90 minutes)

Google English -
Thai -

Thailand’s Advanced Amateur Radio Exam (100 questions 120 minutes)

Google English -
Thai -

Radio Amateur Society of Thailand (RAST) on Facebook -

Amateur Radio HAMNET Network is Growing

DARC report the number of nodes and link routes for the HAMNET amateur radio network is rising

Hamnet is a high-speed digital radio network that interconnects automated ham radio stations and its services, such as Packet Radio, Allstarlink/Echolink/ IRLP, APRS, Paging and Amateur Television using radio links on the higher bands like 13 cm, 6 cm and 3 cm.

According to a recent Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) statistic, recently presented by the DARC Manager for VHF/UHF/SHF, Jann Traschewski, DG8NGN, in particular, the link distances have increased to 6 cm. The figures are always to be seen on the deadline of 16th May 2018 and 19th May 2017. So there were 719 links in 2017 and in 2018 821 were counted.

At 13 cm, the increase is more moderate - from 11 to 13 - and at 9 cm, their number increased from 16 to 24. There is also an increase of the Hamnet entrances to report, here their number increased to 13 cm from 154 to 176, on 6 cm from 140 to 162 and on 9 cm from 4 to 5.

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