FoxTelem Version 1.12 Released

A new version of FoxTelem has been released ahead of the launch of MESAT-1. The new version will be required in order to decode MESAT-1 telemetry. MESAT-1 has an AMSAT Linear Transponder Module (LTM) and will transmit health data and images at 1200bps using BPSK. FoxTelem will decode and display the images from the University of Maine multi-spectral camera, as well as other data about the spacecraft.

This version of FoxTelem will still support all previous spacecraft and the CubeSat Simulator.

In addition to support for MESAT-1 this version also includes several bug fixes and enhancements. Questions or comments (other than “when is the launch”, because I don’t know) may be directed to chrisethompson [at] or to g0kla [at]

Issues or bugs can be logged on github at:

You can download it from these locations - or

Latest Version of RSGB EMF Calculator

The RSGB has issued trial version 2 of its EMF Calculator app.

This version removes the restriction on frequencies below 10MHz and the minimum separation of near field boundary.

The app is being released as a trial version as the RSGB would welcome feedback from users.

You can find the app and more information in the RSGB EMF pages -

Free Windows RF Calculator - WinRFCalc

WInRFCalc offers a free of charge RF toolbox with many interesting RF calculators and analysers can be downloaded, offering the following capabilities

  • Antenna numbers

  • Transmission loss

  • Unit converters

  • Attenuators

  • EMC and Shielding

  • RF Mixer analyser

  • DSP

  • General RF calculators

  • Butterworth filters

  • Impedance matching

  • Interdigital filter calculator

Download WinRFCalc -