Two New Amateur Radio Bands for Canadian Hams

Two New Amateur Radio Bands for Canadian Hams

Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) released an update to a very important document for Canadian Radio Amateurs: 'RBR-4 – Standards for the Operation of Radio Stations in the Amateur Radio Service'.

The document specifies what frequencies we may operate on and with what bandwidths.

There are two major new additions to the spectrum:

  • 472 to 479 kHz, also known as 630 metres: on this new band, we are allowed to run a maximum of five watts EIRP, using emissions with a maximum bandwidth of 1 kHz.

  • 5351.5 to 5366.5 kHz in the 60 metre band: this is a new worldwide allocation. Canadian Amateurs are allowed to run a maximum of 100 watts ERP, using emissions with a maximum bandwidth of 2.8 kHz.

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Proposed New Ham Radio Regulations in Slovakia

Proposed New Ham Radio Regulations in Slovakia

Eight years after it was requested by Slovakia's national society SZR, the communications regulator is proposing increasing the Novice power limit to 100 watts with access to all HF bands

After the approval of the amendment to the Act on Electronic Communications in the Parliament, the Regulatory Office returned to our permission conditions (PP), which had been postponed for more than eight years. The SZR submitted its proposal already in 2014, and despite many meetings and our comments, progress was minimal.

The ice did not move until this spring, when the office began to work intensively on the permit conditions. During this period, the SZR was in intensive working contact with the office and participated in the preparation of the wording of many parts, while we started from our proposal eight years ago.

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Military Use of 50 MHz Frequencies

IARU Region 1 reports on the planned use of two frequencies in the amateur radio 50 MHz band by the Belgian Military on 18th June 2022

The Belgian telecommunication authority BIPT informs that a military exercise will take place in Elzenborn near the German-Belgian border until June 18, 2022, during which two frequencies in the 6-metre band will be used: 50.200 MHz and 51.075 MHz.

Radio amateurs are therefore asked to keep these frequencies clear or observe them during this time before transmitting there.

The amateur radio service has a secondary status in this band, while military radio has a primary status.

IARU Region 1 -