Last week, Las Vegas was not on the site of DEFCON, but the American Poolplayer’s Association World Championships. And, on the Las Vegas Monorail, there were not only hackers with their cute DEFCON backpacks, but more pool players with small cases carrying their cue sticks.
Read MorePRESENTER OPINION : Stock traders petitioning for high-power access to shortwave frequencies→
/One of the big items in amateur radio news the past couple of weeks is an FCC petition by a group calling itself the Shortwave Modernization Coalition (SMC). Basically, what they want to do is to use HF frequencies formerly reserved for broadcasting to send data using 20 kW transmitters at a bandwidth of 50 kHz. They’ve been doing this with an experimental license for several years now, and they are now petitioning the FCC to change the Part 90 rules.
Read MorePresenter Opinion : CHOTA 2023
/Recently I ran across an intriguing notice on the RSGB website. It was a notice to “prepare for CHOTA” back in 2021. CHOTA is Churches and Chapels on the Air, a product of the World Association of Christian Radio Amateurs and Listeners ( That organization began in 1957 in England by the Huddersfield South Methodist Radio Club. It’s been ecumenical since 1978. Intriguing! Another institutional space for using amateur radio as outreach to the public. If you are a church member, it reaches out to the public who may be unaware of your existence.
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