Changes Underway in ARRL's Vec Program

If you're a Volunteer Examiner for any level of the US amateur radio licenses, you can expect to be affected by this update.

Some changes are coming to the ARRL's VEC program that will affect exam teams in the US. According to an ARRL representative, the VEC department is phasing out the supply of field-stocked printed exams and encouraging VEs to download and print-out their own from online sources such as Exam Tools. The ARRL will continue to supply other exam-related forms such as the FCC Form 605 or the CSCE and session reports. The ARRL is also encouraging VE teams to explore electronic, online testing whether in person or remotely.

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A Big Brother-Ish Use Of The 5.9 Ghz Band?

The FCC has intensified its focus on the 5.9 GHz band where new rules are being finalized for the use of cellular delivery of communications to and from cars and trucks on the road.

Intelligent Transportation Systems, or ITS, scored a big gain in late November as the FCC voted on a proposal enabling the use of "cellular vehicle-to-everything" or C-V2X, on the 5.9 GHz band.

...accelerate the automotive industry and state and federal government plans for transitioning from dated technology to the more advanced C-V2X automobile safety technology.
— FCC Press Statement

This would establish new rules for the use of ITS within 30 MHz of that spectrum. The system is already in use by many automakers, sending and receiving messages over existing 5G cellular networks with alerts about traffic issues, weather conditions, road hazards or speeding cars. The FCC measure also sets out the technical parameters for the use of C-V2X, including power and emission limits. The system permits vehicles to communicate with roadside infrastructure and the cellphones of pedestrians, cyclists and road workers, enabling safety communications even when there are no line-of-sight warnings.

Santa Net Runs Through Christmas Eve

The Santa Net will return to the airwaves beginning November 29th and remain active through Christmas Eve. The net will take place each evening at 7:00 PM Central Time on 3.916 MHz. Operators interested in participating may check-in up to a half hour before the 7:00 start time. A live stream is available via YouTube and WebSDR.