New York High School Helps License Amateur Radio Operators
/On 1st August 2024, Steve Goodgame, K5ATA, ARRL Education and Learning Manager, took a train trip to New York City to visit the Staten Island Technical High School. He was there to help administer amateur radio exams to 49 students and all passed their exams. Several upgraded their licenses from General to Extra class and two students went from unlicensed to Extra class in one sitting.
Their teacher, Everton Henriques, KD2ZZT, attended ARRL’s Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology TI - 1 last year and TI - 2 this year. Since then, Everton has helped over 100 kids successfully test for their amateur radio licenses. He has built a program incorporating HF, local repeater use, foxhunting, and space communications and has plans to incorporate mesh networking with his students this coming school year.
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