Ham Radio Outlet Employee Honoured for 60 Years in Amateur Radio

Paul Szczerbinski, W9KHO, an employee of Ham Radio Outlet in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, received a Certificate of Honor from HRO President Robert Ferrero, W6KR, for 60 years as an amateur radio operator. This is just the second time the award has been presented.

Congratulations, Paul, for your dedication to the amateur radio hobby and the amateur radio industry!
— ARRL Wisconsin Assistant Section Manager Tom Czaja, KG9EE

Szczerbinski’s history in radio dates to 1964, when, after being honorably discharged from the United States Air Force, he began working for Hy-Gain Electronics in Lincoln, Nebraska. In 1967, Szczerbinski began working at Amateur Electronic Supply in Milwaukee. In 2016, when AES aligned with HRO, Paul became the most senior Sales Associate, and he continues to work at the HRO Milwaukee store.

RSGB Announces a New Board Vice Chair

Peter Bowyer, G4MJS is to take on the new role of RSGB Board Vice Chair. The current Board Chair, Stewart Bryant, G3YSX said that the role of RSGB Board Chair has always been a busy one and, as the RSGB has taken on more commitments, the demands of this position have continually grown. Being able to share those duties is in the best interests of both the Society and the incumbent, and he is grateful to Peter for volunteering for this new role.

RSGB Board Directors - http://www.rsgb.org/board

Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV, Silent Key

Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV, Silent Key

Former ARRL and Yaesu employee, World Radiosport Team Championship competitor, and award-winning radio amateur Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV, has become a Silent Key. Motschenbacher passed away on 9 January 2025, after a long illness.

Motschenbacher was first licensed at the age of 13. According to his obituary, “His Amateur Radio activities took him to 35 countries and his ham radio call sign, K7BV, was recognized all over the world. He competed on the U.S. team in the World Radiosport Team Championship in 2000 in Slovenia and in his lifetime, won many national and international awards for his ham radio achievements.”

Motschenbacher was well known within the amateur radio community. He was a prolific ham radio author and from 1998 – 2002 served as editor of the National Contest Journal (NCJ). He served on ARRL staff as the Sales and Marketing Manager from 2002 – 2006, when he joined Yaesu as their Executive Vice President of the Amateur Radio Sales Division. He retired from that role in 2019.

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