RSGB Board Director Co-option

RSGB Board Chair Stewart Bryant, G3YSX is pleased to announce that the Board has co-opted Ben Lloyd, GW4BML as a Board Director until the AGM in April 2024.

Ben had a significant number of votes in the 2023 Board elections. Ben brings a fresh perspective together with a very active life as a radio amateur in Wales.

When QRP is a Big Deal

It's been a while since the New Jersey QRP Club has been operating at full power - the club, that is, not the hams themselves, who prefer to transmit with the traditional settings of 5w or less. The club's NJQRP Skeeter Hunt, a popular QRP activity, has remained active even after the club itself went dormant in 2016. Now there's an ongoing effort to bring new life into the beloved old club, which hit its stride among QRP clubs in the early 2000s. They used to meet in Princeton NJ and now only the Skeeter Hunt is a vestige of what they used to do.

Old and new members have begun gathering on a newly created Facebook page for the club and a mailing list is providing a place for an introduction of members and the exchange of ideas.

If you are an avid QRP operator or want to explore the experience with like-minded hams, begin by becoming a recipient of the club's email list. You can get on the list by sending an email to Larry W2LJ at w2luj at gmail dot com ( You don't have to live in New Jersey to participate.

New Jersey QRP Club -