WRTC and WRL Announce Partnership to Launch New Live Ham Radio Competition Technology

WRTC and WRL Announce Partnership to Launch New Live Ham Radio Competition Technology

The World Radio Sport Team Championship 2026 (WRTC) and the World Radio League (WRL), have just announced a partnership to launch a new live contesting technology platform in order to bring an innovative and exciting live experience to ham radio.

Ham radio competitions are events where amateur radio operators make contacts all around the world with their own equipment, over a few hours or even several days. They score points for each contact they make, with additional points or multipliers for contact with different countries, regions, or using certain radio frequencies (bands).

Tens of thousands of ham radio enthusiasts tune in for ham radio contests every year, but WRTC and WRL are dreaming even bigger - bringing a true eSports quality experience to the world of ham radio.

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Russia and Belarus eligible again for the CQ WW Contest Awards

CQ World Wide contests have announced a return to a practice regarding award eligibility. Following meetings with contest directors and World Wide Radio Operators Foundation leadership, the organisers of CQ World Wide contests have restored eligibility for awards to qualifying amateurs from Russia and Belarus. That policy change took effect during the weekend of the CQ World Wide RTTY contest, which took place on the 28th and 29th of September.

CQ World Wide Contest Director John Dorr, K1AR, announced on the contest blog that the elimination of those operators' eligibility for award plaques -- a decision made two years ago -- was never formally incorporated into any contest rules; it was merely a policy statement. That policy is no longer in effect, aligning the contests with so many other competitions around the world.

CQ WW Contest Blog - https://cqww.com/

Chasing Cornwallis Challenge Continues

The Chasing Cornwallis Challenge continues October 5-7 and 19-21 with special event stations K4M and K4Y. K4M recognizes the Battle of Kings Mountain, a significant conflict during the American Revolutionary War. K4Y recognizes the Battle of Yorktown. QSL cards for each event will be available.