WRTC Spots To Be Sold To Highest Bidder

The next World Radiosport Team Championship won't be happening until 2026 but the worldwide competition has already begun for radio amateurs looking to enter this high-level event as part of a sponsored team. Instead of being selected based on the WRTC qualification programme based on results in major contests, prospective sponsored teams engage in competitive bidding in the hopes of securing a place as top bidder. Bidding begins at 20,000 US dollars and the sealed-bid auction will have two rounds. Sponsored teams are considered an important funding source by WRTC organisers.

Initial bids may be emailed until the 30th of April 2025 to finance@wrtc2026.org

The competitive element continues when the two winning teams get to the event venue in the east of England. Organisers say that sponsored teams are as eligible as any other entrants to win WRTC2026.

RSGB British Science Week Challenge

Are you looking for your next construction challenge? Then the RSGB British Science Week Time challenge could be for you.

The task is to provide a method of either measuring the frequency of a radio frequency source or signal, or providing a time reference to a radio operator or radio system. You must use readily available components, material or other resources.

The activity is open to all ages and is divided into three categories:

  • Under 18 or still in school

  • Under 21 or an undergraduate up to the age of 23

  • A category with no age restriction

You can enter as an individual or as a group.

The winner of each category will win a prize of £150 with the winners being announced at this year’s RSGB Convention in October.

The deadline for entries is 1 September 2024

You can find out more, including how to enter, by visiting the ‘Time-related challenge’ link on the BSW web page - https://rsgb.org/main/blog/news/gb2rs/headlines/2024/07/05/rsgb-british-science-week-challenge-2/

GR2HQ Challenge

IARU HF Championship contest on 13-14 July 2024, and there is a great opportunity for you to get involved in a different way this year.

During the contest, Headquarters Stations represent their countries and the RSGB’s station GR2HQ will be run by a network of about a dozen stations around the UK and islands.

A new challenge

This year, the RSGB Contest Committee has introduced a new challenge to encourage individual stations to work the GR2HQ station on each band-mode slot.

You will be able to submit your log, including QSOs with GR2HQ, to the RSGB contest robot for the GR2HQ Challenge.

If you include your club or group name when you submit your log, each QSO with GR2HQ will count towards an aggregate score for your club or team.

There will be two results tables, one for individuals taking part and one for clubs, so your QSOs can contribute to both!

Individuals or clubs – get involved!

Why not encourage your club members to take part in this special challenge whether they are regular contesters or not.

By contacting the GR2HQ station you’ll also help the RSGB’s position in the contest—last year we came third and we’d love to improve that result.

GR2HQ Challenge page on the Contest Committee website - https://rsgb.org/main/blog/news/gb2rs/headlines/2024/06/28/gr2hq-challenge/