2022 USA ARDF Championships Results

2022 USA ARDF Championships Results

The results are in for the 21st USA Championships in Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF). The 4 days of competitions were held from 7-10 April in Prince William Forest Park (PWFP) in northern Virginia. The competition results will help determine the makeup of ARDF Team USA at the 20th ARDF World Championships, set for September 2022 in Serbia.

Thirty participants competed in categories for men and women ranging in age from 15 to 70+. All the competitive events were held within PWFP, on maps provided by the Quantico Orienteering Club (QOC) of Quantico, Virginia. In an innovative approach, the Backwoods Orienteering Klub (BOK) of Raleigh, North Carolina, organized and sponsored the event across state lines, applying the Raleigh group's ARDF knowledge and experience to a beautiful new venue.

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Youngsters on the Air contest results

The final results of the third round of the Youngsters On The Air (YOTA) Contest in 2021 are now available on the YOTA website.

Throughout the three legs of the contest, the organisers received nearly 700 logs from all over the world, including many from those under the age 26.

In 2022, the three sessions will be taking place on the 21 May between 0800 and 1959UTC, then 23 July between 1000 and 2159UTC.

The final round takes place in YOTA month, on the 30 December 2022 between 1200 and 2359UTC.

Youngsters On The Air - http://ham-yota.com/contest

CQ World Wide DX and WPX Contests to Exclude Russian Entries

CQ Amateur Radio magazine is following the example set by RSGB and will not accept competitive entries in any of its sponsored contests by amateur radio stations in Russia, Belarus or the separatist Donbas region of Ukraine

The CQ Amateur Radio magazine statement reads:

(Northport, NY 17 March, 2022) – CQ Communications, Inc., publishers of CQ Amateur Radio magazine and sponsor of the CQ World Wide DX and WPX Contests, announced today that in light of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and Belarus, it will not accept competitive entries in any of its sponsored contests by amateur radio stations in Russia, Belarus or the separatist Donbas region of Ukraine (unofficial D1 prefix). Logs submitted by these stations will be accepted only as checklogs. In addition, contacts with these stations by other participants will have zero point value and will not count as multipliers.

This is in line with a similar action taken by the Radio Society of Great Britain, following the lead of other international sports federations around the world.

We regret the need to take this action, “and recognize that the vast majority of our fellow amateurs who are affected by it are innocent bystanders who had no role in their government’s decision to invade another sovereign country. However, in light of the great suffering being inflicted without cause on the people of Ukraine by Russia’s leaders, we cannot in good conscience stand by and do nothing.
— CQ Publisher Richard Ross, K2MGA

The CQ policy will take effect with the 2022 CQ WPX SSB Contest on March 26 and 27. Future events will be considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on the situation at that time.

4 March 2022, RSGB statement: the Russian Federation and Belarus - https://rsgb.org/main/blog/news/gb2rs/headlines/2022/03/04/rsgb-statement-the-russian-federation-and-belarus/