FMH Portable Operations Challenge 2021, Parallel Regional or Local Group Competitions

To increase participation in the FMH Portable Operations Challenge 2021, parallel regional or local group competitions based on how entrants are positioned in the final results of the POC are being encouraged by Ed Durrant DD5LP.

Those who would like to do this for their group or region, should send an email to regionalcontestlist (at) gmail (dot) com to be added to the list of groups coordinating these local "overlay" competitions.

The regional organiser's call sign and the geographic area or group of people to be covered should be in the email. No separate rules or scoring is required - the regional organiser takes the complete result list after the POC finishes and extracts the data out for those competing in their group or region to identify their local winners.

Full details of the Portable Operations challenge can be found at

RAC Canada Day Contest 2021

The global pandemic continues and we want to make sure that all participants in the RAC Canada Day Contest on Thursday 1st July 2021 help us to celebrate Canada’s birthday safely.

The RAC Contest Committee is therefore asking all participants in the Canada Day Contest 2021 to follow the guidelines provided by the government and health officials in your respective area for any of the multi-op categories enabled within the contest.

If you do carry out an operation in any of the multi-op categories, please advise as part of your log submission that you have followed your locally applicable guidelines for group sizes and social (physical) distancing.

Special thanks to our sponsors for their support of the RAC contests.

We hope to hear you on the air for the 1st July 2021 Canada Day contest (00:00 UTC through 23:59:59 UTC). Don’t forget to share your stories with us at and to use #RACCD.

More information -

New YOTA Contest

The Youngsters On The Air team has been working on a new YOTA Contest. The first of three sessions will be on the 22nd of May from 0800 to 1959UTC. There are eight different categories which also include special ones for youngsters under 25 years old. Covering the 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m and 10m bands, the competition will take place in CW and SSB modes.

YOTA Contest Rules -