RaDAR Challenge 2021

The next RaDAR Challenge is 3rd April 2021, UTC. RaDAR is Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio. Movement is encouraged between portable deployments via foot or various conveyances. Operate in a four-hour window of your choosing. No specific venue is required, although parks are a natural choice. You may operate any band and mode except repeaters. Satellite and digital contacts are encouraged with bonus points. Remember it is five contacts and move. Get into the flow zone.

Detailed rules are available - http://radarops.co.za/index.php/radar-rules/

Portable operators and chasers are welcome to participate. Make your plans and share!

VERON PACCdigi Contest

Amateur Radio Operators are invited to take part in the first Dutch PACCdigi contest.

The contest will take place 17th April 2021 from 12:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC.

This first edition will use the RTTY and FT8 modes on the 160 to 10 m contest bands.

The rules are published on the PACCdigi webpage - http://www.veron.nl/PACCdigi