European Union DX Contest to Debut

The European Union DX Contest Club (EUDXCC) has announced the debut of the European Union DX Contest 6th-7th February 2021 and on the first full weekend of February thereafter, starting at 1800 UTC on Saturday and ending at 1800 UTC on Sunday.

A variety of operating categories are offered, including SWL, and everybody works everybody. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, the sponsors say that the multi-multi category will be a multi-transmitter distributed category, with no more than six transmitted signals (one per band) at any time from stations in different locations.

European Union DX Contest Club -

EURAO Announces Sponsorship of First EU-DX Contest

Designed and organized by the European DX Contest Club (EUDXCC), the aim of this 'EuropeanUnion Dx Contest' is to be a world-wide competition which gives a relevant role to the European Union countries and regions.

To be held on 6-7 February 2021, starting at 18.00Z Saturday and ending at 18.00Z Sunday (24 hours), this contest has caught the attention of EURAO who decided to sponsor it, paying for the plaques to the winners in the categories of SOAB-MIX-HP, SOAB-CW-HP and SOAB-SSB-HP.

EU-DX Contest -

Final Leg of the Wednesday 80 m Club Sprint

The sixth Wednesday 80 m Club Sprint takes place from 17:00 to 18:00 UTC on Wednesday 18th November 2020, with phone and CW activity.

The exchange is an RS or RST report and your 4-character grid square. You earn 2 points for each QSO and 2 points for each new grid square worked.

Submit your log sheet by 23:59 CAT on Sunday 22nd November 2020 by e-mail to

Turn to page 64 of the 2020 SARL Blue Book for the rules.

South African Radio League -