AMSAT-UK Colloquium Talks to be Live-Streamed

The talks given at the AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium will be streamed live to a global audience over the weekend of 8-9 October 2022. The weekend event attracts an international audience that ranges from those involved in building and operating Amateur Radio satellites to beginners who wish to find out more about this fascinating branch of the hobby. There will be including a roundup of a number of new live and potential spacecraft projects that are under investigation and/or development.

The streaming on Saturday will run from 0830-1645 GMT and from 0830-1415 GMT on Sunday.

The streaming URL is

A link to the schedule of talks is available at

RSGB 2022 Convention Livestream

This year the RSGB is producing its first hybrid Convention. Some of the presentations will be livestreamed each day to give a taste of the variety on offer if you attend a Convention in person. In addition to the presentations, the livestream will include:

  • Convention chats with influential amateur radio leaders

  • Informal interviews with RSGB Board Directors

  • An opportunity to find out more about the SIG (Special Interest Groups) attending the Convention

  • A chance to meet the new RadCom editorial team

  • Snippets from delegates about why they have chosen to be at the Convention this year

There will also be times to have a coffee, take a break, see live operating of GB3HQ and watch some inspiring short videos to encourage you to try different amateur radio skills. For the full programme see the RSGB’s Convention livestream web page at

40th Annual AMSAT Space Symposium and General Meeting

40th Annual AMSAT Space Symposium and General Meeting

The 40th AMSAT Space Symposium and Annual General Meeting will take place in Bloomington, Minnesota on 21-22 October 2022. Highlights of all scheduled events include:

  • AMSAT Board of Directors Meeting, 20-21 October 2022

  • 40th AMSAT Space Symposium and Annual General Meeting, 21-22 October 2022

  • Friday Night Social and Auction, 21st October 2022

  • AMSAT Banquet and Reception, 22nd October 2022

  • AMSAT Ambassador Breakfast, 23rd October 2022

A preliminary schedule is available on the AMSAT Member Portal,, under the Events tab.

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