6177km (3838 mi) QSO in FM 10 Metres Frequency 29.600 MHz

A great RF propagation opening between Puerto Rico and Morocco (South Africa).

Very strong signal reports (5/9) were interchanged between WP4KEY and CN8VY. The QSO was on 2022-05-04 at 19:23:00 UTC. It seems that 10 meters and especially frequency 29.600 MHz in FM mode is going to continue making great DX QSO’s for this solar cycle possible.

Celebrating the Centenary of the Transatlantic Tests

The RSGB has released a video celebrating the centenary of the 1921 Transatlantic Tests

The Radio Society of Great Britain and the ARRL have been celebrating the centenary of the Transatlantic Tests. This video highlights the fantastic exhibition put on by the National Heritage Centre in Saltcoats, the 1921 message re-enactment by the Kilmarnock and Loudoun Amateur Radio Club and the 160m Transatlantic QSO Party.