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Lunar Lander Still Functions Despite Landing Issues

Troubles with the first US-built lunar lander in 50 years have apparently not kept the spacecraft from staying in touch. Jack Parker W8ISH explains what happened.

Builders of the private moonlander that made its historic touchdown near a lunar crater on the 22nd of February, said the spacecraft is successfully sending and receiving communications despite having tipped over during its final descent near the moon's south pole. Flight engineers have told the company that Odysseus is now resting on its side, propped up on a rock, but that the mission is not imperiled. Intuitive Machines of Houston, Texas has given assurances that five of the six NASA payloads designed to conduct experiments are on sections of Odysseus that can send and receive communications. The NASA payloads will collect space weather and lunar surface information as well as conduct demonstrations of communication and navigation.

The lander is the first US-built spacecraft to land on the moon in five decades.

More Information - https://apnews.com/article/moon-landing-nasa-private-922cd949be8b41ce4fc33d2ba373757e