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NASA Launches Spot the Station App

NASA launched a new app to make it easier than ever to spot the International Space Station in the night sky. NASA has long operated the Spot the Station website, but its new app, available on both iPhone and Android, brings augmented reality features and a handy interface to learn more about the orbiting laboratory. Find the app at the Apple App Store or at Google Play.

The app will send notifications each time the station passes over your location, both day and night. A great utility reminder to jump on the APRS or voice repeater.

NASA App (Google Store) - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=gov.nasa.hq.SpotTheStation&hl=en_US&gl=US

NASA App (Apple Store) - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/spot-the-station/id6449235044