YL in Philippines is net controller, Aged 10!
The newest operator handling a weekly evening net for the Philippines Ham Radio Cebu DX7CBU is also a very new ham who has wasted no time showing her leadership skills. At the age of 10, Summer Mina, DY7SUM, is the youngest member of the club, where her parents, Bjorn, DW7KGB, and Bopbop, DW7OIC, run nets on other nights. With the help of her parents and her mentor, Jet, 4F7MHZ, the club's founder and trustee, Summer sat for her Foundation exam from the National Telecommunications Commission this past June and received her licence. Now she is actively taking check-ins on 2 metres.
Jet told Newsline in an email that Summer was inspired by her parents' activities as amateur radio operators, calling her a natural achiever. Her leadership abilities extend to her academic life off the air. When she's not running the show on the local repeater, Summer is in her third term as president of her class at the Maria Montessori International School in Cebu.