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G4OBK 1000 SOTA Activator Uniques

Congratulations to Phil Catterall G4OBK from Pickering, North Yorkshire who has activated his 1000th unique summit for SOTA - Summits on the Air.

His 1000th summit was Knock of Crieff GM/SS-264 in Perthshire, Scotland, activated on 21st March 2022.

Phil concentrated on 60m CW and SSB on this activation, but he has covered most of the main bands and modes over his 17 years as a SOTA activator so far.

As well as being a SOTA Mountain Goat, Phil is also an avid chaser, leading the UK honour roll with over 190,000 chaser points.

In order to reach 1000 unique activated summits, Phil has travelled far and wide. he has completed successful SOTA activations on mountains in no less than 23 associations - including VK2!

For more information about SOTA - Summits on the Air - http://www.sota.org.uk