IRTS AGM Rejects New Licence Level Proposal
Each year at the Irish Radio Transmitters Society Annual General Meeting trophies are presented to amateurs who achieve a very high standard in home construction. This year the Folan Shield was presented to Tom Nevin EI4HCB and the Kevin Freeney Trophy was presented to Darwin Penamora EI4KX.
There was only one motion before the 2021 AGM and this came from the Galway Radio Experimenters Club who asked that IRTS, in representing Ireland, support the inclusion of a new Licence Level in Ireland as part of a 3 year plan. Following a well-researched and well-presented case by the GREC representatives, the motion was defeated by the narrowest of margins.
Next year’s Annual General Meeting will be hosted by the South Eastern Radio Group, date and venue to be announced.
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