MacLoggerDX Version 6.32 Released
Dog Park Software is pleased to announce that version 6.32 of MacLoggerDX has been released.
What's New in this version:
* Requires OS X 10.13+.
* macOS 11 (Big Sur) supported.
* Apple M1 Silicon (Universal) application.
* Added Elecraft K4 driver.
* Added DXCC ID lookup caching.
* Added 3D Map country boundaries.
* Added MOX Shortcuts menu item.
* Added MFSK Q65 sub mode.
* Added Log search options.
* Yaesu FTdx10 supported in FTdx101D driver.
* Yaesu FT-891, FT-991, FTdx101 Band switch improved.
* Yaesu FTdx101 S-Meter firmware bug workaround.
* Schedules checkbox bug fixed.
* Use twitteriffic share extension on macOS 10.13.
* SMS Alert bug in Big Sur fixed.
* ExpertSDR2 Lookup spot bug fixed.
* Report Power bug fixed.
This is a free update for all Version 6 customers and can be downloaded from: