ICQ Amateur / Ham Radio Podcast

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Galway Fusion Repeater

The Galway Digital Radio Group are pleased to announce that the Galway Radio Club Fusion Repeater is operational from its new site in Knockroe, Loughrea Co. Galway.

The Repeater is operating in AMS Mode (Automatic Mode Select) so if it receives Analog signals it will retransmit in Analog or if it receives C4FM it will transmit C4FM.

The input frequency is 145.025MHz and output is 145.625 MHz. CTCSS tones of 77Hz are required to access the Analog side of the Repeater. The repeater transmits CTCSS tones of 77Hz on the Analog Side.

Special thanks to Aengus EI4ABB, Des EI5GT and Enda EI2II who set this up on Saturday 13th June 2020.

Initial reports are coming in over a wide area. Reports from Mayo state that the Repeater can be accessed on Low power. Wires-X will be connected allowing worldwide access.