ICQ Amateur / Ham Radio Podcast

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Amateur Radio Club Invites Public to Event

Highland Amateur Radio Club President Jim Hause has announced that the club plans to host an educational program about the correct way to perform electrical soldering at the conclusion of its 12th February 2019 meeting.

The presentation will be conducted by Steve Lamb, a member of the quality control team at the Hillsboro Hobart plant, a longtime do-it-yourself enthusiast, and a licensed amateur radio operator.

Hause invites anyone interested in learning more about the proper techniques to make a solder joint or wishing to know more about the amateur radio service to attend the meeting. It will be held at 7 p.m. in the basement meeting room at the Highland County Administration Building in Hillsboro. Refreshments will be served during social time following the program.

Hause also invites those interested in amateur radio, electronics and radio communications to join the club members at the monthly Brunch Bunch family gathering at the Hillsboro McDonald’s at 10 a.m. Saturday 9th February. Membership in the club is not required to attend either event.

The Highland Amateur Radio Association recently observed its 40th anniversary and is an organization of more than 100 federally licensed amateur radio operators from throughout Highland and surrounding counties.

More information about the club or amateur radio can be obtained by contacting club information officer John Levo at 937-393-4951.