ICQ Amateur / Ham Radio Podcast

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Yaesu FT818

ICQPodcast.com have seen FCC filings showing details of a new rig from Yaesu, including test results in receive mode.

The FT818, a replacement for the successful Yaesu FT-817nd is about to see the light of day, after over eight years of rumours.

The new rig will cover 0.1 to 470MHz, it is still a superheterodyne receiver, comes with a BNC connector and it’s battery operated. Although the specs say “tri-band”, FCC reports coverage over 4 bands: 0.01-30MHz, 50-54MHz, 76-154MHz and 420-470MHz.

QRP Blog - http://qrpblog.com/2018/02/yaesu-ft-818-details-leaked-ft-817nd-replacement/