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Ofcom Mulls Over 6 Ghz Band Sharing For Wi-Fi And Mobile

The concept of spectrum-sharing is nothing new for radio amateurs, but now in the UK, the regulator is proposing that, for the first time, spectrum-sharing should be done between two different technologies. With traffic increasing in the UK for the usage of both Wi-Fi and mobile services, Ofcom is exploring ways for both technologies to share the upper part of the 6 GHz band - frequencies between 6.425 and 7.125 GHz. The regulator is hoping that its implementation will benefit mobile networks, especially in crowded areas, and at the same time provide support for advanced Wi-Fi services. The proposed sharing would require both services to explore ways of integrating shared usage, perhaps by developing a sensing capability in which one could detect the other’s presence on a frequency.

In a statement, Ofcom said the change would provide a basis for the future, eventually supporting virtual and augmented reality as well as AI. Meanwhile, Ofcom said that it hopes to see the lower part of the 6 GHz band, frequencies between 5.925 and 6.425, used for higher-power Wi-Fi outdoors whose frequencies are at present only allocated for low-power indoor use.