RSGB British Science Week Activities
This year’s British Science Week runs from 8 to 17 March 2024 with the theme of Time.
This event is a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness of amateur radio in your local area.
The RSGB has some great activity ideas you could try at your local school, Scout or Guiding group, or local youth club.
Go to our British Science Week page and click on the activity titles to find everything you need to know to be able to run that activity.
Several radio clubs from across the UK have already planned outreach activities for British Science Week and the RSGB hopes its resources will inspire you to get involved too!
RSGB volunteer John Hislop, G7OHO has provided these ideas but the Society would love to add other activities to enthuse young people about wireless communication.
If you have an amateur radio activity on the theme of Time that you’d like to share, or if you’d like to get involved but aren’t sure how to start, please direct enquiries to the RSGB British Science Week Coordinator, Ian Neal, M0KEO.
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