Videos of G-QRP Convention talks now available
The G-QRP club has made available the videos of the talks given at this year's G-QRP Convention
The videos are:
Charlie, ZL2CTM, talking about his approach to RF Construction
Tony, G4WIF, sharing his experiences of building and using RF Test Equipment:
Farhan, VU2ESE, talking about his latest BITX transceiver for 2m
Steve, G0KYA, sharing his experiences of building and using the End Fed Half Wave antenna:
Pete, N6QW, talking about building a valve (tube) transmitter in the 21st century
John, M0JAV, sharing the latest information and answering questions about EMF Assessments:
Steve, G0FUW, talking about getting started with surface mount devices
Michael, G0POT, sharing his experiences of operating from hill tops
Roy, W7EL, talking about antenna modelling using EZNEC
Anthony, K8ZT, sharing his experiences of operating with QRP
Alan, W2AEW, talking about a range of RF test equipment
Bonus Session, Operating Panel with Peter, G3XJS and Carl, GW0VSW
Watch the videos on the club's YouTube channel -