QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo March 2021
The next QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo will commence on 13-14th March 2021, over a period of 48 hours.
The first QSO Today Expo was a great success with over 16,000 attendees and the March 2021 event is anticipated to be even larger. The QSO Today team has been working hard to make this upcoming Expo even better with new speakers, panel discussions, kit building workshops, and much more. Anyone can attend from their home or office. Early Bird Tickets are just $10 (to help cover the cost of this event, $12.50 at the "door") and include entry for the Live 2 day period as well as the 30-day on-demand period).
Eric and his team have put together a world-class line-up of 60+ speakers to address this conference from the virtual Expo’s auditorium. ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio® in the United States, is a QSO Today Expo Partner. Flexradio is the Expo’s Platinum Sponsor, and Gold sponsors as of this time include Elecraft, RFinder, and CSI.
At the Expo, amateur radio operators will be able to:
Learn from a packed line-up of renowned ham radio speakers such as Bob Allphin, K4UEE, on “My Favorite DXpeditions to DXCC Top 10 Most Wanted”; Michael Foerster, W0IH, on “Using the Arduino In Your Shack”; and Ron Jones, K7RJ, on “3D Printer Basics”.
Take part in Live virtual kit building workshops. Kits will be available for purchase and delivered to you in time for the Expo so you can participate and build from the convenience of your home.
Walkthrough the virtual exhibit hall filled with popular amateur radio suppliers. Watch live product demos of the latest equipment. New video technology will be used to provide a better experience for attendees to engage with exhibitors.
Prior to the Expo, take advantage of our new speaker calendar technology to download speaker times in your local time zones to your Google or Outlook calendar. You’ll then have a complete schedule of the sessions you want to join.
Return over the next 30 days to listen to speakers you missed during the Live period, explore, and re-engage exhibitor offerings.
QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo March 2021 - http://www.qsotodayhamexpo.com