It’s Time for Remote Amateur Radio License Exams
In response to the COVID-19 crisis, VECs around the country have—and rightly so—shut down their exam sessions. That has, of course, disappointed a number of folks trying to get their Tech licenses and those who are taking this time to study for General or Extra Class licenses.
The answer is for VECs to ramp up remote testing. This has been allowed since 2014, when the FCC published Report and Order FCC 14-74.
Unfortunately, only the Anchorage VEC seems to be the only VEC interested in doing this. As Sterling, N0SSC, points out on his blog, none of the VECs that he’s contacted are remotely interested in doing this. I had either a similar response or no response at all when I emailed the 14 accredited VECs.
Sterling even got a somewhat nasty reply from the Laurel VEC on Twitter:
The Chairman of the Laurel VEC, as recently as yesterday and earlier today, reaffirmed that remote testing is not necessary or desired. No means No. Does No mean ever? At this point in time, the answer is Yes. Let’s move on.
Personally, I find the Laurel VEC’s position to be incredibly short-sighted. I know that it takes some effort to set up remote testing, but it’s not rocket science. As the FCC noted almost six years ago, we have the technology. As was pointed out to me on Twitter by WA6VPS, Exemplar Global already administers FCC GROL examinations online. WA6VPS notes, “If anything they could show VECs how to do it.”
What we need now is some leadership. I would love to see the ARRL or one of the other big VECs step up and do this. It’s time to do this now.