ICQ Amateur / Ham Radio Podcast

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Negative Ham Radio Story Sunday Times

Within the 8th April 2018 edition of the Sunday Times newspaper Home Help section featured Amateur Radio, but not in a flattering way

Described as "Problem of the Week" with a scaremongering headline of "My Neighbour's Ham-Radio Aerials Wreck My Internet" the paper published the claims of one of their readers.

Linda Boateng an Associate at Russell-Cooke solicitors gave a response to the readers letter.

Russell-Cooke solicitors have been publicising the Sunday Times item on Social Media.

Article to review (pdf) - https://www.russell-cooke.co.uk/news-insight/articles/2018/my-neighbours-ham-radio-aerials-wreck-my-internet-russell-cooke-in-the-sunday-times/