ICQ Amateur / Ham Radio Podcast

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Cadet Radio Exercise BLUE HAM 2

A radio exercise on 5MHz (using the RSGB Band plan channels) is planned in for two weekends - 18-19th March and 25-26th March 2017.

No specific timings have been agreed, this is to allow flexibility in operating conditions and availability of operators (this is from feedback from the previous exercise); we hope the two weekends will attract more participants to get involved.

The cadet callsigns being issued will range from MRE01 to MRE98 - NO location details will be given by the cadet stations; details required for the 'Contact Report' from the Amateur will be their Callsign and Maidenhead Locator.

Cadet stations will report back via email to a central location and points awarded for the number of contacts cadets collect.

Exercise Feedback - http://alphacharlie.org.uk/exercise-blue-ham/